
This toolkit is designed to be inspirational and helpful to all those who, in various roles, wish to experiment with (or continue to develop) teaching activities with Service users in Social work education
In this section you find tools that can guide you in planning and implementing a social work education activity involving service users. You will find suggestions of what to consider including questions for reflections on ethical aspects to more organisational issues.
Inside you will also find examples of learning activities from which you can take inspiration
In this step you will be guided through all the issues that you need to have in mind when thinking about starting to design a learning activity that includes service users.
In this section you will find a point-by-point guide to help you plan your teaching activity from beginning to end considering the more macro organisational aspects, but not forgetting the details that can make all the difference!

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In this step you will find some suggestions on how to best facilitate your activity when it is being realised, taking into account all the actors involved so that it is an educational and engaging activity for all! Here you will also find some examples of learning activities realised in different countries and with different methodologies. 
In this part, you will find some indications to promote a reflexive process during and after completion of the pedagogical experimentation. You will find some examples of tools on how to develop a reflexive process with participants. In addition, you will find ideas on how to communicate and disseminate what has been achieved.